To all our customers
Following on from our last message we hope this finds you all keeping well. We want you to know that we haven’t forgotten about you and recognise it is easy to quickly feel disconnected in these strange times. So this is when we realise the importance of our community spirit, whether that is your locally community or your industry community.
For those of you who are managing to keep on trading by delivering to your customers instead of them coming to your premises, please rest assured that we are also still packing orders for delivery. Although of course orders are very much lower than we would normally expect for a sunny bank holiday at the start of the season, we have noticed that there has been increased interest in our take home compostable ice cream packs and retail packs for cones. If you are looking to start delivering to your customers or supplying NHS or frontline staff with ice cream, then do get in touch about these options.
We have two sizes of compostable take home packs - 500ml and 1l and a range of six different cone retail packs including sugar, wafer and waffle cones. For more details see our GREENLINE product sheet or give us a call on 0161 789 4485 or drop us an email,
If this message reaches you at time of physical or emotional suffering or loss then we wish you a speedy recovery and send our deepest sympathies to you and your families.
Please stay safe and ensure you are maintaining the social distancing rules and increased hygiene recommendations. Remember, although the outlook may currently seem bleak, we are a nation renowned for bouncing back from adversity and we trust that we will do so again when our parlour, café and restaurant doors reopen this summer.
Best wishes from us all
Mark Antonelli