Business as usual for the ice cream sector?
In the turmoil of Covid 19 you may be forgiven for letting Brexit slip from your mind. Amongst the Coronavirus reports in the national news we are starting to hear the 'Brexit' word emerge once again. This is not surprising given that on the 1st January the UK will start a new trading relationship with the EU and the rest of the world. Many companies are re-evaluating their staff, aware that during lockdown many people have rebalanced their lives. It is important that the people in a business are committed to the philosophies of that company in order to deliver the quality of service expected by their customers. This same philosophy can also be applied to suppliers. We believe there will be changes in 2021 where those suppliers who have be found wanting during our 'crisis' period are replaced by more dependable companies offering better service, care and value to customers.
As the main season draws to a close, those still selling ice cream or gelato have everything crossed for a warm dry September. Antonelli has stocked up well over the summer with ingredients and ice cream cones to ensure continuity as January 2021 is likely to see extended delays due to new border controls.
We are already busy building for 2021, some details of which we will announce next month. We are looking forward to the ICA's Ice Cream and Artisan Food Show in Harrogate in February, but we are unsure if there will be the appetite for foreign travel to exhibitions. We'd like to hear what your views are on this.
Nervous about trying a new ice cream flavour?
You may have discovered some new flavours preseason but with closures, new hygiene regimes, signage and one way systems, maybe you never had chance to try them? For example have you tried our Lush Ripples? If not ask your Business Relationship Manager as you might be missing out! If you need a sample do let us know.
If you are looking for the finest Bronte Pistachio without a price that drives you nuts then we suggest you try ordering a tin of GELPRO Pistachio.
To see what else is trending you can read what Gelato Jonny has been talking about recently or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram depending on your social platform preferences.
Using up all your left over ice cream
At times like this in particular we all want to minimise any wastage, so what do you do with the little bit of ice cream or gelato left at the end of a pan? Have you tried turning them into a premium snack by sandwiching left over ice cream between two of our wafer discs? You can achieve this for as little as 10p and for a little extra even have the wafer discs personalised with your company name, brand or a message.
Sleeves for waffle cones
Earlier this year we had a special offer on sleeves for ice cream cones with a buy 15,000 get 5,000 free. We are pleased to report that this offer is being repeated for orders placed before the end of October, so do make sure you get your order in soon as this date will not be extended.