January News


Happy New Year to all our customers. How many of you have resolved to eat better or more carefully this year? Our News this month takes into consideration resolutions for special diets as well as the virtues of UK made ice cream cones. Talk to Antonelli about vegan ice cream, vegan cones as well as low sugar, gluten free and dairy free options. As always we help you take responsibility for portion sizes for your younger customers too, read more...

At this time of year we look forward to catching up with many customers both old and new at the industry shows either at Sigep in Rimini or next month at the Ice Cream Expo in Harrogate. Do come and talk to us if you are visiting either of these shows and take the opportunity to taste some of this years new flavours and see what exciting cones we have lined up for you this season.

If you would like to sign up for our regular distribution list and to be the first to hear of our latest product offers then email us.

Posted on 10 January 2019 Category News

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