It's been good to hear from so many customers already and many of you now have sleeves for your in-stock cones ready for when you are all full steam ahead again.
I have had one question from a hygiene point of view - is a tub or cone better?
I invite you to send in your opinion or to challenge this one.
- From a viral infection point of view if somebody contaminates the cone or the inside part of the tub where the ice cream touches and is subsequently eaten the risk is the same.
- If any part of either is contaminated by the server and the consumer touched their mouth with their fingers within the relevant time, the risk is the same.
- Ice cream is not so easily fully consumed from within a cone without eating it unless you provide a spoon.
- The cone can be thrown away as well as the tub but with less litter and environmental impact the cone has the advantage. The birds may thank you.
- Does a sleeve make it less risky? No because the consumer touches the same part as the server. Does a sleeve make the consumer feel it is more hygienic Oh! Yes. The last 25yrs have shown us that.
- Perhaps another way to look at it is; if you are selling your ice cream/gelato next to another retailer, one had sleeves on cones and another didn’t, would it make any difference how much each of them sell?
You can see our main range of stock sleeved cones on our product pages, but in addition, with the increase in demand we are supplying sleeves on their own. We can now offer sleeves for a wider selection of our UK made ice cream cones, which means our much loved Cheeky Monkey® wafer cones are now being produced pre-sleeved. For simplicities sake please consider that all cones are available sleeved except the very wide Smoothy® Vesuvio.
If you decide to go forward with sleeves in a more substantial way then it is worth some thought and perhaps a conversation with your Antonelli Business Relationship Manager.
1. A snug fitting sleeve keeps box count higher and therefore least cost. However the ability to pick the cone by the sleeve from a head up stick is difficult or impossible without touching the cone itself. We have an extensive range of cones sizes to achieve whatever impact you wish.
2. Would you get extra value having your brand name printed on the sleeve? Ask us about Personalised Sleeves for your ice cream cones.
Whatever opinions are on how and when to release from lockdown, and we can see that there is a good spread, we are ready and will like others be doing all we can to go forward with safety and a smile.
Best wishes
Mark Antonelli
on behalf of us all at Antonelli